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Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP

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How to Keep Up with Accelerated Telecom Infrastructure Buildout

By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Jan 14, 2021 7:31:19 AM

5G isn’t the only factor driving the buildout of telecom infrastructure. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the rapid increase in demand for high-speed telecom spectrum, has accelerated the construction of this infrastructure by an entire decade, bringing swift and transformative change to the telecom industry.

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CPQ Software Is The Edge Telecom Brokers Need

By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Dec 29, 2020 10:15:00 AM

Telecom customers and prospects have high expectations when they solicit the services of a telecom broker. They want the best price possible, and they want a fast quote that can help them make their decision.

Because telecom brokers provide CPQ services across a range of carriers, they need CPQ software that can provide this speed and accuracy for all of their customers—especially as they scale, and especially as other telecom brokers embrace similar tech upgrades.

Adopting new CPQ software gives your brokerage the ability to deliver better services that improve your close rates and your sales revenue. Here are the specific benefits you can expect from this software.

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A Portal Strategy Is A Must for Telecom Providers in the Channel

By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Sep 13, 2018 8:00:08 PM

If you were in telecom a decade ago, you'll remember when it seemed like every telecom Provider that played in the Channel was talking about their need to have a portal to provide quotes and information to agents. Channel Managers insisted that Marketing needed to provide a portal if they were going to have any chance at attracting and retaining agents. Sales leaders championed portals as the holy grail of lead generation. Agents, well Agents, they just wanted the information they needed without having to call a bunch of people or wait on anyone.

Topics: Quoting
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Buying the Whole Software Suite vs. Buying A Portion Of It

By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Aug 2, 2018 9:58:59 AM

Being the Texan that I am and knowing how I love to grill, BBQ, and smoke meat, this thought popped into my head: When you’re shopping around and searching for solutions to optimize your business, increase sales, and drive profitability do you want the pork belly or the whole hog?

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To Build or Buy a Quoting Solution? And Bigger Questions to Ask

By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Jul 12, 2018 12:16:48 PM

As software developers, we spend a fair amount of time listening to folks struggling with the question of whether to build “it” themselves or buy a SaaS solution that does “it.” This question seems never to escape their purview as they work through their discovery process. The challenge I’ve seen time and again, beginning with this cost comparison approach, is that in almost every instance the effort and priority given to come to the answer to this question derails companies from the most critical questions they should consider for their business. Unfortunately, as a result, the most important questions a business should be asking are the ones that are never asked.

Topics: Insider
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