With a finite number of businesses in the world, telecom and internet service providers are constantly vying for their own services in a large and competitive pool. When connecting customers to service options at their address, businesses need to be guaranteed that they are provided with the best possible service network available.
What It Means to Be On-Net and Why It's Important
By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Apr 29, 2022 9:00:00 AM
Finding the Best Bandwidth Internet Service Providers in Your Area
By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Apr 5, 2022 8:15:00 AM
As competition in the telecom industry continues to expand, the type of internet service providers and the services they offer are becoming more and more complex. These days, the connectivity options are nearly endless, so it makes sense that telecom professionals are wondering how they can go about finding the best connectivity solutions for their needs.
In the past, researching bandwidth solutions was incredibly labor-intensive. From tracking down location data to manually inputting data points, telecom businesses wasted a lot of time on a research process that didn’t always deliver the best results. Whether your current option is a free service that offers lower quality results, or you have to outsource your requests, there’s a better way.
With the robust tools available to telecom professionals today, manual research—and the costs and potential errors that come with it—are no longer necessary. Instead, automated tools enable your company to scale services to a larger customer base, create more nuanced approaches to growth in demands, and simplify data acquisition and input variables.
To learn more about the research tools that help telecom businesses keep up in the modern world and transform your bandwidth research process, read on.
What You Need to Know About Quoting CPQ
By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Mar 24, 2022 9:15:00 AM
These days, to stay competitive in the telecom sphere, sellers and buyers need to make fast, accurate decisions around the type of available connectivity, managed services, cloud services, and voice services.
But it isn’t just about how fast you respond—you also need to deliver consistent and superior customer service through all channels to gain loyal customers. To do this, your process can’t be one that is long, complicated, and disconnected. Instead, your process needs to be fully automated on a single platform.
A configure, price, quote (CPQ) solution allows sellers and buyers to quickly and accurately generate complex sales quotes to ensure they are receiving the best connectivity for their situation. To learn how a quoting CPQ can drive sales, increase revenue, and reduce friction, read on.
Identify the Best Bandwidth Connection in Seconds with BandwidthFinder
By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Mar 15, 2022 8:09:25 AM
With the number of tools and technologies available today, it’s easier than ever for telecom professionals to identify and gain access to bandwidth options. However, with the influx of bandwidth location tools over the past decade, it is clear that some options are superior to others.
The Benefits of Using a Wholesale Bandwidth Provider
By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Mar 3, 2022 8:30:00 AM
Ever heard someone brag about how they purchased something on wholesale? By avoiding the retail price, they have benefited from purchasing a large amount of something that, when priced out by the individual item, comes out cheaper.
What You Need to Know About Telecom Quoting CPQ Solutions
By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Mar 2, 2022 10:26:13 AM
As the telecom space becomes increasingly more competitive, the tools used in the industry have become increasingly specialized and customized. A one-size-fits-all approach to finding the right connectivity is no longer feasible.
Move Over Fiber Maps, Hello Solutions-Based Algorithms
By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Feb 17, 2022 8:30:00 AM
For businesses in the telecom industry, manual research to find serviceability was once the only solution. However, with the advancement of technology, this is no longer necessary. Instead, telecom businesses can now use data-driven processes and automated research tools.
Research tools have also paved the way to finding serviceability beyond the use of fiber maps, which at one point were the only way to find service. However, this solution was only semi-automated and still required telecom professionals to rely on manual research by tracing routes on a fiber map.
Luckily, new advanced tools provide robust, immediate information on fiber assets. Here’s how technology allows for a more immediate, automated approach.
How to Know Which Bandwidth Service Provider Is Right for Your Business
By MasterStream ERP on Feb 8, 2022 7:23:36 AM
Business internet connection is crucial for optimal operations. From sending emails to communicating with colleagues and accessing your cloud suite, businesses are essentially helpless without reliable connectivity.
Why Carrier Location Access Can Be Hard to Pinpoint
By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Jan 25, 2022 9:25:00 AM
Carrier location access is the process of finding the location of a carrier’s infrastructure. It’s important to know this information for two key figures:
Can Your Software Solution Distribute Pricing for All Products Across All Channels?
By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Jan 11, 2022 8:23:42 AM
In two previous blog posts, we gave an overview of the services a software solution should provide, including a rules-driven process; automating serviceability; costing and pricing across your on-net, off-net and near-net assets; dynamic visibility for who should see what; and an expandable architectural runway to meet your future needs.