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Why Connectivity Is Critical When Selecting a Bandwidth Provider

By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Apr 15, 2021 11:34:36 AM

In business and in our day-to-day lives, we all live in a connected world. When it comes to choosing a bandwidth provider to support your business through telecom infrastructure, this connectivity takes on a different meaning altogether.

Although connectivity is important to any company that conducts at least some of its business online, the proliferation of digital tools and cloud-based business solutions has turned connectivity into a mission-critical service that must be accounted for when choosing a bandwidth provider.

Here’s a look at the way connectivity affects your business operations, your customer experience, and your ability to keep pace with the changes brought on by digital transformation.

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Why Telecom Sales Automation Is Essential

By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Apr 8, 2021 10:33:53 AM

No matter where or how it’s used, sales automation is always hailed for one big reason: When it’s working on your behalf, you can count on it making your life easier.

Make no mistake—when software tools offer automated sales solutions to power your business operations, even the most reluctant adopters of this technology will eventually concede that access to automation tools helps them do their job better, and often with less stress involved. But that’s far from the extent of automation’s benefits, and those benefits play a direct role in maximizing ROI for your business.

For telecom sales channels and departments, automation offers some important material gains that improve on-the-job performance and raise the ceiling for revenue generation from these activities. Here are some of the biggest impacts automation can make on your business model.

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Tiresome Research Make Way For Bandwidth Solutions

By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Mar 25, 2021 7:05:35 AM

The old way of researching bandwidth solutions is labor-intensive. Between tracking down location data and inputting data points, telecom businesses lose a lot of time to a research process that—despite its tedious process—doesn’t always deliver the most reliable results.

Manual research isn't just costly and threatened by manual input errors. They also restrict your company’s ability to scale its service to a larger customer base. And, as the demand grows more complex, involving larger sets of location data that both complicates data acquisition and input variables, the research demands of location and bandwidth solutions only continue to grow.

New research tools are desperately needed to help telecom businesses keep pace with the modern world. Fortunately, automated tools and customized dashboards are making it easier than ever to bring this digital transformation to your own bandwidth research process.

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The BandwidthFinder Algorithm: Why Looking at a Fiber Map Will Be a Thing of the Past

By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Mar 18, 2021 9:11:06 AM

For telecom businesses, the hours and days lost to evaluating telecom serviceability through manual research has been a necessary cost of doing business. However, digital transformation has paved the way to alleviate this burden through data-driven processes and automated research tools.

Thanks to algorithmic evaluation and improved data connectivity, today’s telecom serviceability research isn’t relegated to manual research involving tracing routes of fiber maps. Here’s a look at how modern telecom software is achieving greater speed of service while also providing more accurate results.

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Digital Transformation for Software Used in the Telecom Industry

By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Mar 11, 2021 10:15:00 AM

Through improved infrastructure and expanded serviceability, the telecom industry is itself an engine of digital transformation, supporting innovation across all industries. But the benefits of this digital transformation can also be applied to the software used in the telecom industry.

Modern software solutions open new doors and unlock new potential for telecom businesses still stuck in the traditional ways of doing business. As adoption of these innovative solutions gains steam throughout the telecom industry, it will create a wider gap between the haves and have-nots among carriers, service providers and resellers of telecom services.

Here’s a look at how digital transformation is creating new opportunities through telecom software.

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Up to Date Telecom Provider Serviceability Isn't A Pipe Dream

By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Mar 4, 2021 8:56:51 AM

In telecom, as in other areas of digital disruption, the speed and scale of transformation is often set by the quality of data driving that change. Serviceability quality can be quantified in multiple ways, including not just the volume of data, but the relative age of that data.

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Defining Serviceability Accuracy: Where Bandwidth Providers and Rating Precision Meet

By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Feb 25, 2021 10:03:37 AM

Serviceability in dedicated and broadband technology services is a tug-of-war between the haves and the have-nots. Although serviceability data is crucial to connecting with the right telecom service at a given location, access to this data can be both costly and inefficient—and you and your team are often forced to choose between the two.

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Why Diversity in Technology Matters for a Bandwidth Service Provider

By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Feb 18, 2021 8:15:00 AM

Fiber, coax, and the emerging 5G technology often get treated as the holy grails of modern telecom service. But the reality is that no single technology is the be-all-end-all when it comes to offering the best telecom service.

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Why Presence in Bandwidth Solutions Is More Important Than Owning Last-Mile Network

By Matt Clark - President, MasterStream ERP on Feb 11, 2021 9:45:00 AM

When it comes to maximizing telecom service availability to a single address or a group of addresses, telecom providers have typically viewed this effort as a war to win the “last mile” of connectivity for their customers.

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Integrating SaaS Telecom Sales Automation into Your Agent Portal

By Don Roots, VP of Sales, MasterStream ERP on Feb 4, 2021 8:29:13 AM

For telecom agents, the task of adopting digital transformation in their sales process can also bump up against the complications of making wholesale changes to their sales infrastructure.

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